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Saturday, February 16, 2013

INTERESTING: I am a faithful, loyal, honest and God-fearing**i lost my virg*n*ty at 20

I am the kind of girl that when I am with a guy, I am with a guy. I do not cheat or double date. I stick to one man. I am a faithful, loyal, honest and God-fearing kind of person.

 When I do anything, I put myself in the person’s shoes. I was about 22 years old when I had my first heartbreak. The guy travelled to America, so we had to call it quits. 

He was a nice person but I had to move on. A lot of things happened. I am from a strict Christian home, so I did not start dating till I was about 19 years old.

 He was the first person I had s**x with. I did not lose my virginity till I was quite old. Because I have a petite figure, people don’t know how old I am. I was 20 years old when I lost my v**rg**n**ty.


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  1. I wish my hands could be so rich to touch and have you. So that you can teach our daughter how to stay faithful like you. @topakallus



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